
ScrapeGraphAI Integration in Seraphnet


ScrapeGraphAI is a Python library that revolutionizes web scraping by leveraging large language models (LLMs) and direct graph logic. Seraphnet has integrated ScrapeGraphAI into its data acquisition pipeline to extract relevant and unbiased information from online sources, ensuring the integrity and transparency of its Swarm Pods.

Key Features

  • LLM-Driven Intelligence: ScrapeGraphAI utilizes LLMs to interpret user queries and intelligently navigate web content, constructing autonomous scraping pipelines aligned with Seraphnet's ideological transparency goals.

  • Direct Graph Logic: The direct graph logic approach employed by ScrapeGraphAI streamlines the data extraction process, enhancing efficiency and accuracy while minimizing ideological bias.

  • Seamless Integration: ScrapeGraphAI integrates seamlessly with Seraphnet's existing technology stack, enabling Swarm Pods to access diverse online data sources without compromising transparency or accuracy.

Core Components


SmartScraperGraph is the primary scraping pipeline class in ScrapeGraphAI. It allows Seraphnet's developers to define data extraction requirements using natural language prompts and target websites or HTML source code. The output is a structured representation of the extracted data, ensuring consistency and reliability across Swarm Pods.


SpeechGraph extends SmartScraperGraph by incorporating text-to-speech capabilities. This feature enables Seraphnet to generate audio summaries of scraped content, enhancing accessibility and user engagement within its GenAI applications.

GraphBuilder (Experimental)

GraphBuilder is an experimental class that enables the creation of custom scraping pipelines tailored to specific data extraction needs. It generates a JSON representation of the graph, which can be visualized using Graphviz, facilitating the development of specialized scraping solutions aligned with Seraphnet's ideological transparency objectives.

Integration Architecture

ScrapeGraphAI is integrated into Seraphnet's data acquisition pipeline as follows:

  1. Data Sourcing: ScrapeGraphAI extracts relevant and unbiased information from diverse online sources, ensuring a comprehensive and ideologically balanced dataset for Seraphnet's GenAI applications.

  2. Swarm Manager Integration: The extracted data is processed and stored within Seraphnet's Swarm Manager, which orchestrates the deployment and execution of multiple LLMs across Swarm Pods.

  3. Ideological Transparency: ScrapeGraphAI's LLM-driven intelligence and direct graph logic ensure that the extracted data adheres to Seraphnet's stringent ideological transparency standards, minimizing the risk of bias or misinformation.


To configure ScrapeGraphAI within Seraphnet's ecosystem, follow these steps:

  1. Install the required dependencies:

pip install scrapegraphai
  1. Import the necessary classes and components:

from scrapegraphai.graphs import SmartScraperGraph, SpeechGraph
from import GraphBuilder
  1. Configure the LLM and other settings:

graph_config = {
    "llm": {
        "api_key": "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",
        "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
    # Additional configurations for text-to-speech, output paths, etc.
  1. Instantiate the desired class and run the scraping pipeline:

smart_scraper_graph = SmartScraperGraph(
    prompt="List all projects with their descriptions.",

result =

For more advanced usage and examples, refer to the ScrapeGraphAI documentation.


The integration of ScrapeGraphAI into Seraphnet's ecosystem enhances its data acquisition capabilities, enabling the extraction of relevant, unbiased information from online sources. By leveraging LLMs and direct graph logic, ScrapeGraphAI ensures the integrity and reliability of the data used by Seraphnet's Swarm Pods, promoting ideologically transparent GenAI solutions.

Last updated