Serper API

Serper API Integration in Seraphnet


Serper API is a high-performance Google Search API that delivers real-time search results with unparalleled speed. Seraphnet has integrated Serper API into its data acquisition pipeline to enhance the capabilities of its Swarm Pods, enabling them to access a wide range of search data, including web pages, images, news, maps, places, videos, shopping, scholar, patents, and autocomplete suggestions.

Key Features

  • Lightning-Fast Results: Serper API delivers Google search results in just 1-2 seconds, ensuring rapid data retrieval for Seraphnet's Swarm Pods.

  • Comprehensive Search Data: Serper API provides access to various search verticals, enabling Seraphnet to retrieve diverse data types for its GenAI applications.

  • Customizable Query Location: Serper API allows Seraphnet to customize the search query location, ensuring relevant and localized results for its Swarm Pods.

Integration Architecture

Serper API is seamlessly integrated into Seraphnet's data acquisition pipeline as follows:

  1. Search Data Retrieval: Seraphnet's Swarm Pods utilize Serper API to retrieve real-time search results from Google, including web pages, images, news, maps, places, videos, shopping, scholar, patents, and autocomplete suggestions.

  2. Data Processing: The retrieved search data is processed and normalized to ensure compatibility with Seraphnet's data formats and structures.

  3. Swarm Manager Integration: The processed search data is stored within Seraphnet's Swarm Manager, which orchestrates the deployment and execution of multiple LLMs across Swarm Pods.

  4. GenAI Application Integration: The search data retrieved via Serper API is utilized by Seraphnet's GenAI applications to generate informative and contextually relevant outputs, enhancing the user experience.


To configure Serper API within Seraphnet's ecosystem, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Serper API account and obtain an API key.

  2. Install the required dependencies:

pip install serper
  1. Import the necessary modules:

from serper import Serper
  1. Configure the Serper API client with your API key:

serper = Serper(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
  1. Make search requests using the desired search verticals:

results =
    query="Google Search",
    location="United States",

For more advanced usage and examples, refer to the Serper API documentation.


The integration of Serper API into Seraphnet's ecosystem enhances its data acquisition capabilities, providing lightning-fast access to real-time Google search results across various verticals. By leveraging Serper API's customizable query location, Seraphnet can efficiently retrieve relevant and localized data for its Swarm Pods, empowering its GenAI applications to generate informative and contextually relevant outputs.

Last updated